Demon slayer gay sex manga

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He is in love with his pet Riki, a mongrel from the slums, and later he begins to love Riki to the point of obsession. Kyatto Ninden Teyandee / Samurai Pizza Cats Kitsunezuka Ko'on-no-Kami / Seymour 'The Big' Cheese Itsuki is Sensui's right hand and is interested in him as shown in episodes 85 and 86, for example. Kitsunezuka Ko'on-no-Kami (Seymour 'The Big' Cheese) is the advisor to Tokugawa Iei Iei (Emperor Fred) who wants to overthrow Edoroplis (Little Tokyo).

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He is a flamboyantly gay fox who crossdresses and flirts with his male subordinates.

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